Tuesday, June 30, 2009

70th Jubilee Fest

The 70th Jubilee Fest at ASB (my school) is their version of homecoming. While the schools here do not revolve around sports like ours do, they still throw a celebration every year in the attempts of networking, creating school spirit, etc. It is VERY different from something our schools back home would put on, but is nice in its own right.

Since I like the people I work with so much, I always enjoy going to these parties because you get to hang out with them in a social context...and the party always ends in Klubben, the school club, at the end of the night.

This picture is to show you a picture of the original two me and Granny met (the couple on the right): Jesper and Nanna (my buddy)

Nanna and I - and NO, we did not plan this outfit!

Two coworkers: Ann Cathrine and Line

At dinner: Lise and me

My co-worker Thomas - and yes, that is an American flag coozie!

Susanne and me during the speaker - and in typical Susanne style, she moved from where she was sitting and sat down next to me and started translating (without me asking) so I would understand what was going on


In the Career Center before dinner, having a drink

I am cooling off. It was freaking hot!

Line and Lise

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