Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fanø Cup

This summer, I went to the island of Fanø off the southwest tip on Denmark to play in a soccer tournament called Fanø Cup. The tournament was a great time - but the sleeping in the tent and community shower thing was a little tough for me. I am more of a hotel girl, and not used to the nakedness that is required in Europe! I had to just bite the bullet and take my first shower in front of a bunch of strangers...yikes...but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

At any rate, it was a great weekend. The first day we were blessed with RAIN, but other than that, it was pretty blue and sunny.

I did not know what to expect at all from this tournament, but quickly found out!

Off the shore

This is one of my absolute favorite pictures because it represents me, and soccer girls in general. Just a love of the game, easy-going nature, sporty girls. This was the team I played on (left to right): Chanett, Ros, Madsen, Britt, me and Tess

There was a big tent nearby that hosted the after-party every night

My two favorite girls, Chanett and Madsen

We went out to dinner one night and walked to the beach.

This was the longest stretch of sand I have ever seen in my life leading up to the water. We seriously walked on sand for at least 10 minutes before we hit the water

Tents where we slept, and people just out playing soccer

Cute houses...loved them!

Love this look

a sand bank in the middle of the water

My idea to braid Madsen's hair. And so funny because very NOT fitting for her personality

Hanging out after the games for the day

Chanett got a ball to the face, and a fat lip immediately

Fat lip

This was the FIRST sight I saw when arriving at the tournament. I knew there would be costumes, but...

My first ferry ride

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