Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Realization of Things I Miss about my Home in the US

Traveling back to the US is always exciting! I start a count down about 3 weeks before I go. It is always amazing to see everyone and everything and eat my favorite foods. But without fail, about 3 days before I head back to Europe, I always get sad. I want to fast forward my last days in the US and just be on the plane back to my 'home.' Another realization for me is that I HATE saying goodbye. I cry every time. It is just this awful pitted-knot in my stomach.

Who knows where my home is now? I love living in Europe right now, but the US will always be my home, and I am proud to say I am American. And I love to say I am from the Midwest, as well - good old Midwest values.

I was reflecting on the plane on the way back, and here are some things I realize that I miss a lot:

1) Family and friends. Duh, no brainer there.

2) Watching my friends' and family's kids grow - my god, Oliver was totally speaking to me, I have only seen Elliot when he was 3 weeks old, Whitney is a senior in high school, Kaity is in college! And I won't even get into my friend's children...one of my best friends had her first child while I was in Denmark, so I have now seen him as a 3 month old and an 11 month old. So much changes...

3) Being able to fully understand conversations around me. Even if I am not a part of them. Just being able to hear and understand what two people are discussing in a store is amazing. At times in Denmark, I feel like I live in a bubble - I am so completely in my own world. It is nice to feel more included.

4) Certain foods and restaurants and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic). My favorite tv shows.

5) Knowing where to go to buy specific things you don't use everyday. For example, I have wood floors in my new apartment, and I wanted to buy those floor protector things (for couches and chairs, etc) that you would find at Bed Bath and Beyond or Linens and Things. For the life of me, I didn't know where to go to find them here, and quite frankly, it was just too hard. So I bought them when I was back in the US!

6) One of the things that can be so deflating is to constantly ask someone 'Can you speak English, please?' I will absolutely never get used to that.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Good comments, Liz! We loved having you in Vegas and HOPE that we can make our trip happen. btw - Just packed up your package but also just realized you asked for soccer shin guards. So it's going to be a few more days before I send the package.