Wednesday, October 8, 2008

American Dinner Continued...

Just a few more pics to wrap up the evening...this was a great night for us! Just took place this past Monday...

We forgot to take pictures of most of the dinner. Pretty much only got reactions from the dirt cake, but funny enough!

Birgitte and Thai - just funny to look at their faces whenever we showed them something new. Birgitte is staring hard core at the dessert.

Again, her face looks concerned as I get ready to dish it out...

We caught Birgitte asking Thai in Danish if she had tried it yet because she was scared. She is getting ready for her first bite. She ended up loving it, and asked for seconds!

I am seriously proud of my cooking skills that day. Though the stuff we made didn't take a ton of effort, that was probably the most I have cooked in one day, and for the most amount of people!

Enough blogging for me for two days! I should be caught up to present day - hope you enjoy. In the coming days/weeks, I have my last soccer game for a few months, soccer party, first exam, Fall break (and we are going to SPAIN!! Madrid and Barcelona!), so there will be lots more to talk about later.

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