Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Random Culture Pictures

Yes, not all pictures will contain a beer in hand, but that is often when the camera comes out. I have fondly nicknamed Rachel "Razzi" after the paparazzi, because she is a picture taking machine when we are out. I mean, we come home, and there are 60 pictures taken! Most times I don't even bring my camera, and I just download from her!

Have you ever heard the term "couch surfing?" I had not until I met Rachel. We met on a Monday, and I found out she was couch surfing, which is this whole sub-culture on the internet. You put a profile on this website of yourself. You are basically saying if people travel and need a place to crash (for free) for the night, they can contact you and arrange it with you. This is how she has travelled Europe before...and was doing this in Arhus. That same day I met here, we went to the place she was couch surfing, got her stuff, and had her move in with me at Jesper's place (my friend Nanna's boyfriend's apartment).

This is a picture of where she was sleeping. It was one great big room, with, no joke, at least 8 beds (whether couches or futons, or mattresses on the floor) all in the same room. You sleep with all these strangers....it was too much to handle. I couldn't do it!

You leave your luggage and stuff in the apartment all day too. Lots of trust involved with strangers....

And yet another culture picture! Yes, we are at Social Club. However, notice the fashion (specifically purple tshirt and scarf). Most boys wear scarves here, which is kind of cool actually. They are very into fashion, much more so than American guys. Secondly, and obviously, you would never see guys drop their pants at a club in the US. Yet, somehow it is okay here...

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