Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ASB Soccer Julefrokost

I had my ASB Soccer Team Julefrokost on Satuday, which was my last one! It was a good time, as usual. I like these girls a lot, because soccer girls are the same around the world - just very sporty and down to earth. Playing on the soccer field with them is fine - even though I can't understand specifically what they are saying, I understand the game of soccer, so everything works out. I have found that on this team though, there aren't too many that are super comfortable speaking English too me (of course, my girl Line Madsen does, and I made some headway with a few others that night). Hopefully that will change one day!

This party was in kind of like a town hall place. It was a 30 minute bus ride out of the city. I felt like I was in Exeter, Nebraska or something! Very little around...but it was cute!

Being crazy during a game (left to right: Chanett, Line, Heidi and Bettina)

Christina, Britt, Laura

Mathias and me!

Line, Heidi, Bettina and Britt

Chanett and Line (I tease Chanett that she is a soccer mom - but she totally is and takes care of everything for us). Love how she plays too - she never gives up!

Danes are SO proud of their flag!!!!

Me, my girl Line Madsen and Chanett. These two make me feel the most comfortable!

Karina, Christina and Anne

Kenny, Kanne and Mathias - all the trainers/coaches!

These were some random videos taken that night. The one on the left shows us playing musical chairs - don't know why, but it was fun. The other one was two girls dancing, and they were awesome!

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