Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas Culture and Everyday Life!

For those of you (you know who you are!) who think I don't even go to school, etc, etc, here are some pictures of Aarhus Christmas culture as well as places I frequent in my everyday life!

This is my gym - Fitness World. It is actually the largest in Denmark, and really nice! I was very impressed and am happy with it!

Storcenter Nord is like the closest thing there is to a mall. It is pretty small inside, but works. I bought most of my Christmas presents here.

Group project time! Working on our Research Methods project.

Group project...oh, Rachel and her camera!


Exit signs, and sign to the M building, where we have a lot of classes.

Rachel took this pic of the nameplate outside the Career Centre.

Where I work!

Main entrance of our school

Rachel by the main entrance

Outside entrance (in/out) to the school club/bar, Klubben.

Main walkway through school.

The main sign for our school

Looking at the bus schedule to catch the bus! A bus ride is 20 kroner for 2 hours, which is $4. Kind of expensive, so the bus is a luxury for us. Biking is normally how we get to and from.

Inside Storcenter Nord

The lights down the main pedestrian street

Remember the mention of strollers left everywhere? Yes, the mother is in the store, and YES, there IS a baby in the stroller. We looked! PS - you can kind of check out their mannequins. They freak me out because they are really lifelike.

People selling nuts and stuff during the holiday season on the street.


The theater in Aarhus

The main church in the city center

Unique apartments on a main street: Norrebrogade

A local grocery store that saves us on Sundays because it is actually open!

Blankets are found on the chairs of sidewalk cafes when it is chilly outside.

Where you can hang your laundry on the lines in our backyard

How you sign up for laundry

Our laundry room. I miss my full-size front loaders IN my apartment (in Dallas).

Holiday lights in the city

Notice the red and white hearts - those are very typical Danish for the holidays

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