Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving at the Cafe and Julefrokost with Career Centre

Just posted some random pics from two nights (they all get out of order though when I post them!). One night was at Cafe Arhus, our favorite Cafe. It was Thanksgiving night - and of course Danes don't celebrate the holiday. Rachel and I had a busy day - I started at school around 9, went to class until 2, then went to work for 2 hours, then straight to Danish class for 2.5 hours.

After Danish class, we had planned to go find a bar that would show American football because the games were being aired live here since it was Thanksgiving (which is like finding a needle in a haystack). We went to the 'pub street' right off the main pedestrian street (the stroget). The first place we stopped would have been perfect - its called Sharks. It was sort of like a pool hall and they served American type bar food...but it was closed for a private THANKSGIVING party! We were absolutely sure they were Americans in there, but who really knows. Next, we went to a pub...can't remember the name...but they were having bingo that night, so that is what was on their tv screens. We went to Sherlock Holmes and the guy was VERY helpful and kept trying to put the game on, but something was messed up with his cable box, so that wouldn't work.

We finally found the game playing at another English pub off the river and sat there for awhile with Maggie, our Canadian friend. Thyra, Rachel's friend from Minnesota, ended up joining up with us, too. We honestly didn't really care about the game, but the fact that we were together, on Thanksgiving, watching a game that we would have been watching back home was what was nice.

We decided to head to the Cafe - I had been texting Birgitte, and she said she would let us turn on the tv and watch the game there. So off we went, for what was yet another hilarious and amazing night at the cafe watching football. It turned into girls night out...and we all went dancing.

The next night are pictures from my Julefrokost (Christmas Lunch) with the communications department at my school (ASB). Hanging out with my coworkers in a social environment was AMAZING. I really, really enjoy their company. I think we are all starting to understand each other more...they are great people and a great time! The food at this Christmas Lunch was easier for me to eat than the food at my classmates place - it was still Danish, but not as traditional.

I have another Julefrokost on Saturday with my soccer team, and am nervous about that one because that menu is almost identical to the first. Not so sure my stomach can handle it again!

Birgitte had closed down the cafe for the night, and we were getting ready to go out dancing. She put on some music for the girls to dance. Our new favorite song is Beyonce's Single ladies, which is what we were dancing to here.

Just Birgitte, Thai, Rachel, me and Thyra in the cafe, dancing it up!

Dancing behind the bar!

Just being crazy girls together. B pulled me on a table to dance - man I am a good dancer...NOT! :)

Watching the football game on tv! This really made us happy, and was remniscent of home.

So excited we found a tv with the game on...showing off the tv!

Me, Thyra, Rachel...watching the game at the Cafe.

This man is the SWEETEST man ever. You just want to squeeze him. I am not sure what his name is (I can't understand it), but we see him at the Cafe often. He is in love with Rachel! Note the baseball hat...we turned it around backwards for him!

Random picture - this is our neighbor's (2 floors below us) cat. We didn't realize that the first time we saw him roaming the stairs of our building. We felt bad for him and let him in our apartment. Rachel made the mistake of giving him milk, and now he is our friend for life. We sometimes open up our door and he is sitting right there, waiting for us.

He is checking out our schoolbooks!

Okay - Julefrokost with people from work. The dinner was held in Plug Inn, which is supposed to be an American style diner where students can get food and sit in booths and study. The girl on the left's name is Saji, I believe. She works in the alumni office, so I don't know her so well. Then you have Susanne, Line, Me and Ann Cathrine.

Me and Corey. Funny story. He is an American from Mississippi. He fell in love with a Dane, married, two kids now and has lived in Denmark for years. He works in the Alumni office (again, a new concept for ASB), and is trying to show them the way...trying to create a department for Alumni and events that is similar to what we have in the US. It is so fun to talk to him though, because he understands everything I am going through. We have this picture of our arms crossed for a reason. More than one of my good Danish friends has pointed out to me that I cross my arms a lot, which they take as a sign of defense. I have explained that it isn't, it is a relaxed position for me (even though I fully realize it is a bad habit). I noticed Corey talking to the people in the Career Centre one day, and he did the same thing! So it has turned into a big joke now....

My Career Centre staff singing Danish Christmas songs for everyone!

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