Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hospital Visit in Denmark

As a result of my trip to India, I began having stomach issues. They began in India, and were still occuring once I had returned to Denmark. They had been going on for a week or so and were not getting better. I did some self-diagnosis via the internet, and that prompted me to be semi-concerned.

One of my Danish friends helped me call my doctor's office and spoke to a nurse in Danish. They asked me lots of questions about my symptoms, and the nurse said she needed to speak to the doctor and then call me back.

Needless to say, when the call was returned, they said to pack a bag and go to Skejby Sygehus (hospital), and that my room would be waiting for me.

We arrived and I had a variety of tests done. They were concerned that I may have malaria - I ended up staying overnight and was released in the morning. The hospital was very nice and clean, and everyone was friendly. There was not too much of a language barrier, so that was nice. Healthcare is free in Denmark, so the whole thing did not cost me anything, but because it is free, they don't just send anyone to the hospital - it has to be something they are concerned about.

I received my tests results a few weeks later...and they could not find anything! Oh well, chalk that up to another cultural experience!

Not too happy with my Danish hospital food

Although I was pleased with my Danish breakfast

Sniff, sniff. Tear, tear.

In the waiting room

The sign outside my building

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Dang Liz, I had no idea about this! Yikes....You look pretty sad in some of those pictures. Looks like you needed your mommy!!!!