Saturday, October 25, 2008

First Exam is Done!

Today was my first Master's exam: Industrial Economics. The test was pretty awful, not really anything the professor told us at all. We hadd 3 hours to take it; it was 4 questions and took the entire time. We were allowed to use our laptops, the internet, our books and notes. We had to save our work on a flash drive and turn that in....all very different from tests I have taken in undergrad.

Our class is so big we were split up into like 8 different groups. We found errors within the first hour and could not get hold of the professor (who didn't have to be there), so we couldn't solve the math problem at all. Hopefully he will throw out the question. The grading system is very different here, no A-B-C-D-F, its on a scale of 1-10, and basically no one gets a 9/10 (or an A). I am hoping for a 6 or a 7, which is pretty standard. Anyway, nice to have that class out of the way. Now I only have 3 more to concentrate on!

I just got back from Spain on Wednesday and am recovering--we covered so much ground in 5 days. I have a TON of awesome pics to upload and will work on that tomorrow....

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