Wednesday, October 1, 2008

You Know You Are Not in America When....

I hope that this will be an ongoing list that I can continue to add to. The first weeks Rachel and I were here, we encountered crazy things everyday that we just had to laugh at. Things that would never, EVER happen in America. Kind of here is the first installment:
You Know You Are NOT in America When...
-You walk 30 minutes to school each way, and think it is a short walk!
-There is vomit everywhere in the street on Monday after the weekend is over.
-You get teased by Europeans for wearing jeans with tennis shoes.
-You drink beer at everything, and AFTER everything (at school, after soccer games).
-You eat steak and french fries for a bowling alley.
-A Long Island Ice Tea (which is made a little differentely) costs $30!!
-Wedding bands are worn on the right hand, and girls don't have diamonds :(
-You walk past a stroller on the sidewalk (by itself), the mom is in the store, and the baby is in the stroller.
-Certain Europeans think they will get shot if they come to the US.
-You get a hehehehe instead of hahahaha or lol on instant message or text message.
-Text message is called SMS.
That is all for now. Hope you enjoyed. I still have a little work to do to update to present day, so look for those soon!

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